

Wire Harnesses for Commercial Products: Vending Machines

April 10, 2024|

Vending machines are thought to have been around since as early as the first century, when an enterprising Greek mathematician and engineer developed a mechanism to dispense holy water for a price. In the centuries that followed, the invention has spawned a massive industry that is ubiquitous the world over. [...]

Wire Harnesses in the Aerospace Industry

April 1, 2024|

With an estimated revenue of $278.43 billion, the aerospace industry is a huge and profitable space that grows at a rapid pace. However, this growth demands specialized products and materials in order to work properly within the required security and quality standard. In this article, we will cover one of [...]

Charging Ahead: How Wire Harnesses Are Transforming EV Charging Stations

March 12, 2024|

The electric vehicle (EV) industry is experiencing a rapid surge in growth and popularity, with increasing investments, advancements in technology, and expanding infrastructure supporting widespread adoption. Governments, automakers, and consumers are recognizing the environmental advantages, cost savings, and improved performance offered by modern EVs, driving the industry toward an optimistic [...]

Wire Harnesses for Marine Applications

February 18, 2024|

The ocean is a harsh and unforgiving place, not only for the people who venture there but for the equipment and vehicles they bring along. The marine environment presents a unique set of engineering challenges that require robust systems capable of withstanding exposure to salt water and corrosive environments. The [...]

Building Wire Harnesses & Compressor Plugs for HVAC

January 10, 2024|

When designing a computer-controlled heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) system, proper heat transfer is critical. Without the proper heat transfer of air from one location to another, HVAC devices will not function in the most efficient way. In this article, we will discuss the relationship between HVAC devices and wire [...]

Wire Harnesses in Specialty Transportation

December 27, 2023|

Correct, safe wiring and accessible installation are important to any project. But when your application calls for complex wiring requirements within tight spaces and extreme conditions, proper wire harnessing is even more integral to success. The correct wire harness assembly accounts for the scale, purpose, and environment of your project. [...]

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